Monday, June 3, 2013

Finishing CIPSI and getting ready for Amazon

We are all working hard getting all the details wrapped up on the CIPSI Conference.  I will not be able to put many pictures up due to the slow internet connection.  I hope you have been able to go to the ARS Facebook to see them.  This week is full of meetings with the accountant, touching base with Pastor's who helped us last week and medical check ups for Pr Jose. 

I had the opportunity last night to preach at the English Service at Lagoinha Baptist Church here in Belo.  It was a wonderful time and I certainly was blessed.

We are also getting ready to leave on Friday for the Amazon.  The team from the US will be leaving on Friday also and then we will all meet up in Manaus.

This has been a full month with the CIPSI Conference.  I have met some wonderful people.  The speakers and volunteers were tremendous.  They all worked hard and had a wonderful servants heart and attitude.  We are having a meeting on Thursday with some Pastors who desire to do a second conference next year.  My prayer is that there will be a strong team of leaders who will work throughout the year in preparation and contacts.  This year, we had several who worked very hard and Pr & Leoni really worked hard (too hard in my opinion).  We need strong leadership here in Brazil to take up the responsibilities so that next year we will be able to reach more people.

I am very excited about this next chapter of this trip.  I visited the Amazon last year so it will not be a total surprise.  I am looking forward to the ministry opportunities in the riverside communities.

Thank you for your continued prayer support!  God is good and I am so grateful for your partnership!  I will make posts when I am able and the Internet is working!
When I am able I will tell you the stories that go along with these pictures!  Bless you!