Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Ended the year strong!

Hello, my friends!
Last Saturday, we had our 3rd Annual English Celebration Night with our English classes.  It was wonderful to see everyone together and to hear the students share their experiences with English IN English.  Nayara and I were full of joy and yes pride for the students and their work.

We were blessed as the students shared about fulfilling a life dream of learning and speaking English.  Many of them talked about using English in their future profession.  Some of the students who were among our timid ones surprised us with how they came up and “owned” the stage and shared with confidence and boldness!
We were encouraged when they shared about how our classes were not just about English but also about life, relationships and about spiritual things.  They shared that through the experiences in the class, they learned how to be a better family member, professional and friendly.

It was a delightful evening.  Leoni Almada de Abreu shared via video.  One of our students sang beautifully and Nayara and I were surprised with a special gift from our Wednesday class.  We were so happy to see more parents come and watch their son/daughter receive their certificate and share.

It is such an honor for Nayara and me to share in this work.  Thank you for your partnership with this ministry!  I will be uploading the pictures so you can see the faces of the people that you have ministered to this year.

Next week, Nayara and I will be headed to Belo Horizonte for Christmas with family and friends.  It is a welcome break from a full year.  From our home here in Brazil to yours, we pray God’s blessing upon you and your family as we celebrate Jesus!

God bless,

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Happy October 2019!

Hello friends,

Well, we have been going 100 mph since our return from the USA.  I wish I could have talked with each of you.  Nayara and I had a good trip – fast – but good.  We had some challenges coming home with some delays and luggage issues.  But we made it back just a day later.

We are having great classes and the students are working hard.  It is so exciting to watch them succeed and gain confidence.  We have three classes that are in their last term with us “officially”.  In February when we begin new classes during those times, the current students will have the opportunity to join us as teaching assistants.  This has proved to be good motivating them to work hard.  

We have also had had several Saturdays where we open the Mission House (where we live) and invite the students to come over for a couple of hours to work on their cards.  It has been a good time for work and fellowship.  It has been good for me too as I am working on my Portuguese cards!

Nayara is currently in her hometown for several weeks.  She has been able to go to a conference, preach, help with here home church children’s musical, see her family, surprise her niece for her birthday and see some very special friends.  She is tired but is having a great time.  I have had some special friends who have been with me here in Nayara’s absence.  I lovingly call it the “Lisa Watch” group.  I really appreciate them and how everyone takes care of me!

My focus right now is continuing to be prepared each week for our classes.  I am also beginning the work on getting the curriculum developed to move towards writing it and eventually move to get it copyrighted in the US and here in Brazil.  It is a big step for me, but I do believe it is a needed step to take.  I love the challenge!

Here is what you can pray for us right now.

  •        For our students to remain strong as we end the year. “Finish Strong” is our battle cry!
  •        For us as we prepare for our English Celebration Night on December 7, this is for our students and their families/friends.
  •        For our health.  My back has had some issues and I am now in Physical Therapy which has helped.  Nayara is regularly walking with Patricia and she is determined.  I talked to Nayara today and her ears are not doing well, and we need for God to take care of this especially before she returns on Oct 29.
  •        For continued financial support.  I am so grateful for all our faithful financial support both in the US and in Brazil.  To be honest, we need a bit more.  God knows and will guide us in our contact with people.
  •        For wisdom for our new Pastor at Agata Church.  He is a great teacher and we are very excited about he and his wife.  They have a love for the Lord and for people that is huge!  An added blessing, his wife speaks English well!

I am so grateful for so many blessings.  Thank you for praying and please continue!  I will try to post some pictures soon.  Bless you!


Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Please forgive me and I am excited!

Hi friends,
Please forgive me for not keeping this updated!  Time got away from me big time.  I will try to do better, I promise.

I am excited, Nayara and I are leaving in a matter of hours for a trip back to the States for about a month.  This will be a time of refreshing and work at the same time.  We are looking forward to sharing with many of you about what is going on with Amazonas.Languages English Project here in Manacapuru.  We have had an eventful time this year, it has been a busy one.

The students are doing very well and we are very proud of them!  With our work with the classes, we have further developed our curriculum approach.  We have decided that Amazonas.Languages will be using a 2-year curriculum plan with the students.  The focus continues to be getting the students speaking.  I have made a brochure about this plan and I hope to get in online as soon as I can along with some videos with our students!  I will use some time while in the States to try to get these things done.

Life here continues to be an adventure in joy, love, and patience!  Just recently the whole city, 90,000 experienced a power outage for a little over a week!  We scrambled around for ice and other needed things.  It reminded me of winter storms in OK! The stores ran out of food, the city ran out of drinkable water along with other challenges not to mention the mosquitoes.  Needless to say, everyone was happy when it came back on.  The city did a temporary fix on the issue but it's a big deal to permanently fix the problem.  This is a good time for a visit back home!

Speaking of the trip home, just for your information.  We will be in Stillwater for a week (Aug 10-17).  We will be speaking at New Covenant Fellowship on Aug 11 at 10am and at Hosanna Assembly of God that evening at 6pm.  On Tuesday, Aug 13th at 7pm we will be having an LC Ministries Dessert and Coffee reception in the Lower Fellowship Hall area.  There we will be sharing specifics about what has been going on with the ministry.  We have stories to tell!  I hope you can come, we would love to hug your neck!

Sorry, this is so short, I will try to have some time to write more soon.  I literally need to take a shower and then we are off to Manaus to catch our flight!  whoo whoo!

Hope to see you soon!