Wednesday, December 28, 2016

2017 Here We Come! / 2017 Aí Vamos Nós!

I pray that you and your family/friends have had a wonderful Christmas.  I must say it has been interesting hearing “Dashing through the snow” in stores while it is very hot! 

You will notice something new with these posts beginning now.  Nayara will be making a post in Portuguese at the end of my post.  This will be a way for her ministry partners to keep us with us as well.  So, if you dare, try your hand at Portuguese and see what you can understand or you can copy and paste into Google Translate! (I have been there done that!)

My time here has been good.  I had the opportunity with Nayara to spend 2 days with Pastor Jose, Leoni and Ron, Jane and the girls.  Pr Jose is doing very well.  They will be traveling back to the States on the 30th-31st making a stop in Manacapuru.  While in Manacapuru, they will be checking out the Mission House where Nayara and I will be staying beginning January 12th.  They both are very excited about the work Nayara and I will be doing there with English.  My heart is full of gratitude to the Lord for Pr Jose’s recovery and for Leoni’s steadfast love and trust in the Lord through these challenging months.  Glory to God is all I can say!!!!

Tomorrow, Nayara and I will be traveling back to João Monlevade and will be there until next Tuesday.  She does not have internet at her house so I wanted extend my “Happy New Year” greeting to all of you.  This new year will be full of many blessings and opportunities to serve.  Just this week we received 8 dates for English Camps and that does not include one that will possibly be in Manacapuru.  We are prayerfully considering these opportunities and look forward to talking with Pastors Rogério and Eustáquio.  Please join in prayer that we will do exactly what He wants when He wants in all our activities.  I am praying God’s richest blessings upon each of you for your partnership financially and prayerfully with this work.  We are in this together!

Our preparations are going well.  Nayara is closing things down here in Belo Horizonte (BH) with her apartment and her work at church in João Monlevade.  She is speaking on January 8th in the morning in João Monlevade and in the evening here in BH.  She is wanting me to prepare something to share in Portuguese so that means practice, practice and practice.  Next week will be a very busy week for sure.  I hope to reconnect with at least one more teacher at the English School here in BH as well as spend time with some dear friends.  But for the most part, we will be continuing our language study, English lesson prep and packing up the apartment.

Ron Duggins shared a quote from Seth’s Blog titled “I don’t know the first thing about this issue.” It says:  “Actually, you do.
It’s likely that you don’t know the last thing.  But the first?
You know enough to know you don’t know everything.
You know enough to know that there might be a pitfall or a trap ahead, and that you need to tread carefully.
You know enough to reach out and ask for help.
That’s three things, things that others less thoughtful than you don’t know.
So, give yourself some credit and begin.”
Great word for me Ron, thanks!

Prayer needs:
·        Strength as we close things out here in BH
·        Discipline in my learning Portuguese, and Nayara learning English
·        God’s wisdom as we discern which English Camps we are to participate in
·        Health and endurance as we finish here in BH and move to Manacapuru
·        Good rest and sleep at night!

God bless you my teammates and talk to you soon from Manacapuru!

Ei amigos e irmãos amados. Essa é a minha primeira postagem aqui no blog e desde já agradeço ao Senhor Jesus por nos proporcionar esse espaço simples e divertido onde poderemos compartilhar com vocês as coisas que Deus está fazendo e que ainda fará em nós e através de nós em Manacapuru – Amazonas.

Talvez você ainda não saiba, mas em 2004 Deus colocou um amor imenso no meu coração pelo Amazonas e um sonho lindo de abençoar as pessoas de lá com minha profissão (e agora com as duas profissões... Enfermagem e Teologia), mas apenas agora, 12 anos depois, é que estou realizando esse sonho com a benção de Deus, do meu Pastor Romeu Roldan que tanto amo e da minha mãe que faz de tudo pra me ver feliz e nos caminhos do Senhor Jesus. Acredito que nesses 12 anos Deus estava me preparando de todas as formas: academicamente, emocionalmente e espiritualmente para essa missão tão linda. Nesse tempo conheci o Pr. José Agostinho Almada e sua linda esposa Leoni que trouxeram a Lisa de presente pra mim como uma grande parceira de ministério.

Se você deseja receber notícias sempre que fizermos postagens aqui cadastre seu e-mail no nosso blog. A primeira postagem sempre será feita pela Lisa em Inglês (caso você ainda não saiba Inglês, tente o tradutor. Você vai se divertir com as postagens dela) e logo em seguida virão informações minhas em Português, basta você descer a barra de rolagem da sua tela.

Eu e Lisa temos vivido dias intensos aqui em BH procurando resolver todas as coisas para viajarmos com tranquilidade no próximo dia 12. Nossos corações estão cheios de saudades, mas também cheios de expectativas para o NOVO de Deus em nossas vidas. Obrigada por fazer parte 
disso junto conosco. Sem suas orações e apoio financeiro seria muito difícil a realização desse sonho missionário.

Que 2017 seja um ano repleto das bençãos de Deus sobre todos nós. Confie no Senhor, Ele tem sempre o melhor a nos oferecer. Contamos com suas orações!!!


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Arrived in Brazil yesterday!

Yesterday, I arrived in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.  It was a little longer  trip than usual due to the fact I stopped in Manaus to drop off luggage for Manacapuru.  But overall the flights went great and I am grateful to finally arrive here.

I want to thank everyone for the help during these past months of preparation, for those who faithfully give every month, for those who give annual gifts, for those who helped me close out my apartment and who have stood in prayer.  I especially want to thank Rhonda Madison for her incredible help and encouragement.  She herself will leave for Uganda January 4th!   We have walked this process out together and it has been a gift for both of us.

So here is the plan for the next month.  You can use these has guidelines for prayer.

  • Nayara and I are engaged in serious language study - Nayara with English and me with Portuguese.  Everyday we will work on both.   She is very serious with her study and I am too!
  • Nayara and I will be going over curriculum plans for the English classes.  We will be getting an outline together the best we can right now and then adapt it as we get to Manacapuru.
  • We will be doing a lot of walking here because Nayara's car is in the shop.  That will be good for both of us.  These hills are challenging but we need to prepare physically for what is ahead!
  • We will be doing a lot of praying together - for each other, for the transition time, for our future encounters with those who want to learn English and for new opportunities to serve.
  • We have been asked to consider helping with possibly 5 mini English camps through the Presbyterian Church of Manaus and they are wanting to do one in Manacapuru.  I had some time with Pr Djard when I arrived in Manaus.  He told me of the rough structure and where he saw Nayara and I serving.  Good stuff!  As I get more information on dates and cities I will pass it on to you.  For right now, we are covering it in prayer together.
  • Nayara is closing out her official church leadership roles where she has been serving for about 10 years.  Her church of course has mixed feelings with this new ministry role with LCM.  They are excited and they see God's leading but they also will miss her very much.  Pray for continued grace for Nayara and for her church.
  • I will need to shop for clothes that will be appropriate for the weather in the Amazon.  I will admit, I do not "like" to shop.  What a blessing to have Nayara here, to know where to go and to give her counsel.
  • I am continuing to try to sell my car.  A brother at New Covenant is taking the lead for me.  I even got an email today asking if my Total Gym is still available!  Yeah!
Thank you for covering those things in prayer.

We will be going back and forth to Nayara's home church on the weekends.  This week we will take the train which will be nice and relaxing.  It takes about 3 hours.  I am looking forward to this!

So the preparation month has begun: spiritually, physically and emotionally!  This time is a gift for us and we want and need to make the most of it.

Thank you again for your support and prayers.  To say I am excited is an understatement.  Yes a little nervous but God's peace is great!  I know there will be adjustment opportunities, but knowing I am in the will of God makes all the difference!  

Our departure date from Belo Horizonte to go to Manacapuru in January 12th.

Bless you my friends.