Friday, December 14, 2018


How can I sum up 2018 with Amazonas.Languages English Project!  Let me give you some highlights.

  • We began using a new approach to teaching English using the IPA phonetics.  The students have really excelled with this new approach!  
  • We have had 4 classes with students twice a week for 1.25 hr at José Mota a Public School.  And we have had one class with 2 teachers from the school.  We have grown to love these students very much.
  • We have had 3 nightly classes held at the Mission House by the church where we live.  These students have worked hard.  We have lots of fun and laughter in these classes!
  • We have had one Skype student (a good friend of Nayara's).  She has been super and has been very diligent with her studies.
  • All of the classes have been super!  We ended the year with an English Celebration Night honoring all of the students.  We had 31 students share in English with others translating into Portuguese.  THEY were the "Special Speakers" for the evening.  We also honored some of the students who really stood out this year.  It was a special evening and no one wanted to leave.  Oh, by the way, we had about 120 students and family/friends who attended!
  • We have had lots of opportunities to teach, preach, share, sing and serve in our church as well as in Anori.  It has been a blessing to serve in this way.
  • We also helped a brother to start an English Class in Anori.
  • Nayara had the opportunity to come with me in August to the US and it was such a blessing!
Both Nayara and I are a little tired but it is a good tired.  We are incredibly blessed to serve in this way.  We look forward to this next year and we have high expectations!  Check out some of the pictures we have uploaded here in the photos tab.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support!  Keep it up, WE are a part of something special in Manacapuru!