Thursday, March 19, 2020

March 2020 Crazy Crazy Times!

Hello, my friends,

Well, yesterday the state of Amazonas closed the schools and that includes Manacapuru and the English Project.  After talking with Camilo, the leader here with Agata Church, it was decided that we too need to suspend our night classes along with the Public School classes.  We do not have a confirmed case here in Manacapuru, but there was one case in Manaus.  The officials are moving swiftly to do everything possible to protect everyone. 

For me, I am staying here in the Mission House.  We have enough food until the end of the month and we have people who will get whatever we need if a need arises.  They all understand that I need to be extra careful with my blood issues and my age.  Our friends here are great.

We are in contact with our students and coming up with creative ways to help the learning process continue, through videos, audios or whatever.  Our WhatsApp has been going off continually and we welcome the questions.  So, our work continues, just with some adjustments.  We are also using the time to prepare material for when the classes do resume.

I am praying for you each day for the Lord's protection over your family!  Please continue to pray for us as well.  Thank you for standing strong with us prayerfully and financially.  If you need to make changes in your financial giving please just inform me.  I am praying for His provision for all of us during these days.  Please let me know of specific things to pray for you!

One thing that has happened this week, Patricia who works with us had an appointment with the US Consulate in Brasilia to obtain a proper visa so she could travel with us in July.  Well, the US Consulate canceled all appointments and the airlines are canceling flights as well.  Of course, there is a measure of disappointment, but we know that if it is His plan for her to go with us, He will make a way.  As for Nayara and I, we are praying about when to get tickets.  We had planned July 14 - August 11 for our return to the US.  Please pray that we will know what to do and when.  We know that right now is not the time to make a final decision. (that is hard for my pre-planner self)  But as always God has taken care of us in every way.  We are wanting to be ready to do whatever He directs, if that is to go to the US this year or if we need to wait until next year.

For those of you who expressed interest in helping my friends, Gerusa and Lucianna, thank you so much, they have been blown away!  If you would like to make a donation you can do that through the Blog with PayPal or send a check to LCM, PO Box 2464, Stillwater, OK  74076 and enclose a letter saying it is for Gerusa or Lucianna.  It has been a joy to share your love with them.

We will talk again soon my friends.  I just wanted to touch base with you!


1 comment:

  1. Bless you, my dear friend -
    I do pray this finds all of you safe & well -
    Praise God the Precious Blood of JESUS
    Covers, Cleanses & Protects - & brings Perfect Peace
    to those who place their heartfelt Trust in Him.
    MUCH Love to you, my dear Faithful Sis ... JGrace
