Tuesday, June 6, 2017

News for you... Notícias para vocês...

Hello my friends,
This will be a quick note today.  I wanted you to know of some things that are happening….and to join me in covering them with prayer.

I will be returning to the States this Friday.  I will need to move forward in securing a change to my visa during my stay in the US.  I am a little disappointed that this could not be resolved here but there is nothing I can do about that situation.  The church in Manaus is finishing up the paperwork needed to submit to the appropriate government agency.  I will be working on getting all the documents in order from my side and submit it as soon as possible in the Consulate in Houston, TX.   Please pray that all things would be done correctly and that I will be able to secure the needed changes as soon as possible.  My desire would be to return to Manacapuru in August.

Now, about the classes.  Nayara will continue classes for the last 3 weeks of the semester.  I will be joining her via Skype.  I am comfortable with this arrangement.  This is how I taught Nayara and look how she turned out.  She has been fantastic!  We are making the final arrangements so that the students from the Public School will come here to the church (we have internet) as well as the group in the community of Bela Vista will hopefully be able to meet in the school near the church.  Please pray that these final 3 weeks will go smoothly and God’s grace and peace will cover Nayara.  Nayara and I are continuing making plans for the next semester.  Just today, the nurse who comes to the house to do a regular blood work check on me wants to study English with us!  We meet people every week that want to know more information.

For me, I will be leaving late Friday, arriving Little Rock, AR Saturday morning.  I will be staying with the Ron and Jane Duggins in Conway.  As it turns out, Jose and Leoni will be leaving the day after I arrive to go have a visit with their daughter Doris in Florida.  So, that means I will be able to stay in Jose and Leoni’s apartment!  I will be there in Conway until the classes are finished on June 30.  My schedule will be almost the same there as it is here with all the classes etc.…  I also will be working on my documents etc. for the visa.

In July, I want to go to Stillwater to see as many of you as possible.  I will be contacting people about support for 2018 and as well as personal things I need to take care of.  I am excited about seeing family and friends after 7 months away.  I am not sure yet where I will be staying in Stillwater, but I know it will work out.  Please pray that I will be able to make contact with all of the financial support team, that the 2018 support budget will be taken care of, and that all of the personal stuff would be able to be completed. (Dentist, Dr stuff)

The work here in Manacapuru has gotten off to a great start!  Doors are continuing to open for future classes and contacts with people in the community and the school.  I do believe with all my heart that my place is here.  So, I am trusting Him to make the path clear and to give me favor with all the people I talk with.  Thank YOU for all your encouragement, prayers and financial support.  You are a special part of this work!

Tonight, Nayara and I have the opportunity to join a group of people who work with one of the World Vision Medical Boats.  We will only be gone for one day.  This is another dream come true for Nayara – I told her she needs to be sure to write all of these dreams down!  I will also have the opportunity to share in the service Thursday night.  I am always grateful for the chance to share from God’s Word!

This is a picture of João.  He is a wonderful young man who desires to serve the Lord and he is teaching the computer class Monday - Friday. LCM had the opportunity to help him get a much needed pair of glasses.  He is so grateful, please receive his heartfelt "thank you".

I have to run, class is starting shortly.  Again, thank you, and I will talk with you soon!

from Nayara..... 

Ei amigos, estou feliz por mais uma vez poder contar para vocês o que está acontecendo aqui. Deus continua fazendo coisas lindas e em breve eu enviarei mais notícias sobre as primeiras semanas de junho. Coisas animadoras estão acontecendo e muitos sonhos estão sendo realizados.
Esse mês a Lisa retornará aos Estados Unidos para tentar modificar o status do Visto dela aqui no Brasil. Com a graça de Deus eu continuarei com as classes até o final do semestre onde teremos um intervalo de férias em Julho.

As coisas estão indo muito bem por aqui. Deus seja louvado!!! As saudades são sempre muitas, mas é maravilhoso ter a comprovação a cada dia que aqui é onde eu devo estar agora.
Continuamos contando com as orações de vocês.

Motivos de oração:
·        Saúde minha e da Lisa.
·        Para que Deus continue abençoando as pessoas e igrejas que nos mantem aqui nessa linda obra.
·        Para que o Visto de permanência da Lisa seja autorizado rapidamente.
Obrigada por todo apoio e carinho sempre.

Amo vocês no amor de Cristo.

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