Friday, November 17, 2017

The team is back together and working! A equipe está junta novamente e trabalhando!

Hello friends!  
(be sure to look at the new pictures – they are in order with the latest pictures first - 9 “pages” with captions. I will post the pictures after I post this...)

Wow, what a ride these past months have been.  I finally received all the necessary paperwork for my new passport and flew down to Houston, TX from Little Rock, AR on September 22 for the appointment at the Brazilian Consulate.  I received the new visa status (Missionary) and went back to the airport to catch a flight to Little Rock.  I had several interesting visits with an Ethiopian Uber driver, and with man from India who was traveling to Brazil.  I then left for Brazil the next day Saturday, Sept 23rd.  It was an emotional good bye with the Duggins and Jose/Leoni who graciously let me crash at their place and it was an emotional “homecoming” with Nayara and the Pastor and his wife at the Manaus airport.  I loved seeing everyone at church the next day and Nayara had a special gathering of friends to welcome me back on Monday.  Nayara also did some special decorating in my room and even purchased a desk for me as well as some shelves with pictures of friends and family.  You talk about a wonderful homecoming gift!

We jumped back into work mode quickly and have not stopped since!  Let me give you some of the highlights. 

We are having 3 night classes that include 1 true beginner class and 2 continued classes from last semester which totals about 30 students. These classes are being held at the Mission House at the church.  We have added two young men to be at the gate to greet students and to help with security.  Our street in front of the church is quite active so these guys add to our peace of mind.  We did not have a problem last semester but felt this was a good move and we are able to bless these guys financially.  Both are taking the English class on different nights.

We are going to one of the Public Schools, José Mota, on Tuesdays for classes for the teachers and on Thursdays for classes with students.  This has been very exciting.  We have been able to meet some of the staff, pray with them, talk with them and get to know them.

In our time on Tuesday, we have English, History, Chemical and Portuguese teachers.  We have 6 teachers.  It has been a great time working with them teaching English.  We have even had times of wonderful sharing and prayer with them.  We are providing a “safe place” for them to talk and express themselves.  They are quick and motivated learners.  Please keep them in your prayers – God knows their names.

The work with the students on Thursdays is going well.  We initially had a tremendous number of students who indicated they wanted to come to the English classes.  Not all the students have followed through and attended classes.   We had some unexpected interruptions, like the school decided they needed to paint the classrooms as well as some holidays.  So, we are finally getting in a groove.  This week we are offering a make up day and will know for certain just how many students we have.  We have 3 new classes and 1 class that includes students from last semester.  Fortunately, the school is taking care of most of the printing of the material which has been a tremendous help.  This week we are planning for 90 students.  During these classes we have a lot of fun, laugh and learn together.  Many of these students have challenging life circumstances and we are embracing the time to get to know them, develop a relationship with them and help them succeed in learning English.

This past week we were blessed to be invited by the director of the Public School to join the other teachers for a city-wide event to honor teachers in Manacapuru.  It was a time of eating, singing, some danced and games.  It was a great time to continue to bond with the other teachers.

One big change this semester is we are not going to the community of Bela Vista.  We hope to return in February, but we will have to see what exactly the students want to do.  Communication is always a challenge due to cell service and internet issues.  We continue to pray for them and look forward to seeing them again soon.

With our Friday schedule opening due to not going to Bela Vista, we have had the opportunity to do some one on one work with a Columbian woman.  She is newly married, and she and her husband are missionaries and they come to the Tuesday night class.  She does not know Portuguese so Nayara is working with her on her Portuguese.  It has been awesome to get to know them and to hear their “story” and their heart as they share the Gospel here in Brazil.  One thing that they do to earn money is cook things and sell them.  The other day they brought us a “tamal”.  It had all kinds of meat and things inside all wrapped in banana leaves.  It was good!

Thank you so much for your faithful financial and prayer support.  God is working, and it is such a blessing to serve here.  Because of you, we can do little things such as purchase headphones with chips to help a few students who do not have a cell phone or internet service, so they can hear the audios we make.  One of those students who will use a headset is our Columbian sister as well as a young man who is 16 yrs. old, supports his mother and sister and goes to school full time.  He desires to be a Police Officer but is struggling in English which is required for him to do well on his entrance exam.  He has worked so hard and this headset will help him tremendously.  The two young men who help us watching the front gate have had some health issues and are a little behind in their English studies, so these chips will help a lot.  YOU are blessing Columbian missionaries, university students, high school students, teachers, mothers, fathers, and people who work in this city in retail and as a truck driver!

We are also excited about those that God has raised up to be our helpers this semester.  Patricia has been a tremendous friend to Nayara and me as well as a great helper with the classes.  Patricia is a university graduate in geography but feels that God wants her to work at the school, José Mota, working in the office.  She also works with the youth at the church and provides a children’s project twice a month on Saturdays.  Her heart for the ministry is HUGE and she has basically become one of our assistants.  She is with us on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and comes to almost every class in the evening.  Her English is benefiting from all this time we spend together.  We also have two others who are helping us with the grading of homework.  Our prayer has always been that God would raise up a team who could continue the work with English in the future.  God is answering that prayer.

Nayara and I also had the opportunity to go to a community located on an island in Solimões River.  We spent Saturday and Sunday morning with the people there, playing volleyball and games along with making personal visits to people in their homes.  We had the chance to talk and to pray individuals.  They had a special service Saturday night along with a wedding.  We went with about 20 other people from the church.  Oh, by the way, even though it is very warm here, it gets really cold at night with all the moisture in the air, brrrrrrrr.  We traveled by boat and had to climb up a “ladder” and mud “steps” to arrive and to go down when we left.  It was about the equivalent to three flights of stairs.  That is how high the river normally gets and how low the river gets.  What an adventure!

Nayara and I also were able to help out with music and preaching at a recent children’s outreach event at the church.  It was awesome to see the children respond to the gospel.  Patricia and her team of workers are wonderful!  Many received prayer and I am not know how many children gave their hearts to Jesus. It was fun and a little like herding cats!!!

Okay there are just some of the highlights.  On a personal note.  I am doing great, feeling good, feeling peaceful.  My language is improving, and I do want to work hard and get better with my speaking.  I know this is where I am supposed to be, and no words can fully express my heart.  Is everything easy?  No.  Is everything comfortable?  No.  Do I miss my recliner?  Yes.  Will it be strange not to be in the same state with my sister during our birthday? Yes.  Do I want to be anywhere else?  No way.  Other than needing a haircut – all is good!

As Thanksgiving approaches in the USA, my heart is full of gratitude for many things.  I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve the Lord here in Manacapuru with Nayara (she is a super teammate and sister in the Lord).  I am grateful for your partnership with this work.  I am thankful for my friends and family in the States and around the world.  I pray your time with family and friends are full of joy and blessings. 

The plans are for Nayara and I to go to Belo Horizonte to be with her family from Dec 18 – Jan 28.  This is their “summer break.  We are already on the schedule to speak at her home church 7 times as well as in other churches.  Her Pastor will be away for 3 Sundays and we are honored that he trusts us to preach during that time. Please cover us in your prayers!  I know that Nayara is looking forward to being with her family and church family.  I am blessed that they have embraced me.  I hope to write again before Christmas.  Love to all

Until next time….

Ei amigos, familiares, irmãos, mantenedores e intercessores de tantos lugares do mundo que estão orando por nós, enfim conseguimos postar nossas novas notícias aqui, mas é porque com cerca de 130 alunos do inglês a vida virou uma correria muito boa. Enfim, estou aqui para contar as notícias do nosso segundo semestre e agradecer por todo investimento nesse ministério fazendo sempre menção à igreja que me enviou para trabalhar nesse lindo projeto Segunda Igreja Batista em João Monlevade e o apoio incondicional da Primeira Igreja Batista de Raposos.

Começamos mais 7 classes de Inglês na Escola Estadual José Mota aqui em Manacapuru – AM. Aaahhh que presente maravilho Deus nos deu aqui. São alunos preciosos!!! Ao todo são 8 turmas na escola: 4 para alunos e 4 para professores (estão estudando conosco professores de português, inglês, história e química, eles são excelentes alunos). Na nossa casa temos mais 3 turmas de inglês à noite, mais dois alunos colombianos aprendendo Português às sextas feiras, mais uma aula de reforço escolar de inglês aos sábados e um aluno nota 10 pelo Skype aos domingos. Vejam só quantas vidas vocês estão nos ajudando a abençoar. Pensa numa vida corrida, mas na correria mais gostosa e divertida do mundo! Amando minha nova descoberta como professora!!! E agora mais do que nunca dou meu total respeito e gratidão aos meus professores, eita profissão difícil sô. Alguns dias da semana trabalhamos cerca de 18 horas sem parar. Ufa, mas é muito gratificante ver as pessoas aprendendo esse idioma tão especial. Deus seja louvado por alguns amigos que se tornaram monitores aqui e tem nos ajudado durante as aulas e na correção dos deveres. Deus é bom, sempre colocando pessoas especiais perto de nós.

Após enfrentarmos a “novela” da troca do visto da Lisa, graças a Deus ela conseguiu resolver e poderá ficar mais tempo no Brasil (Deus seja louvado pela Igreja Presbiteriana Ágata e Igreja Presbiteriana de Manaus que tanto nos ajudou nesse processo). Foram 4 meses sem ela aqui em Manacapuru e confesso que foi bem difícil ficar aqui “sozinha”, mas Deus e seus anjos estavam sempre aqui comigo. Ganhei uma amiga irmã nesse tempo. Deus me enviou Patrícia de presente para cuidar de mim aqui, ela me ajudou muuuuuito e continua me ajudando todos os dias. A Paty é líder de jovens na Igreja Presbiteriana Ágata, igreja que tem apoiado muito nosso projeto de inglês aqui no Amazonas. Deus me deu a graça de estar no meio de pessoas que amam a sua palavra e que querem ver as pessoas experimentando esse amor divino.  

Após esses longos 4 meses, a Lisa chegou e foi uma festa, ufa, o coração congelava a cada notícia de atraso do visto. Graças a Deus agora isso ficou no passado. Estamos muito felizes por trabalhar juntas novamente. Deus seja louvado pela vida da Lisa e de cada norte americano que tem abençoado o ministério exercido por ela aqui no Brasil.

É muito bom compartilhar com vocês que tem me abençoado e orado por mim enquanto estou aqui no Amazonas. Deus seja louvado por cada um de vocês. Que delícia tem sido aprender sobre as maravilhas do Amazonas e ver o que Deus está fazendo nos corações aqui. Quando puder vá até a nossa página de fotos e veja todas as coisas lindas que estão acontecendo.

Tivemos a oportunidade de visitar uma comunidade chamada Fé em Deus, falamos do amor de Cristo e experimentamos das diferenças culturais do Amazonas. Foi uma grande aventura também já que o rio agora está baixo (quando ele seca um pouco) e para chegar nas comunidades precisamos subir barrancos com muita lama. O que vocês acham que aconteceu quando viemos embora? Sim, eu caí e foi muito engraçado. Kkkkkkkk...Não queira imaginar. Aqui nós trabalhamos muito, mas nos divertimos muito também na presença de Deus.

Tenho tentado ajudar na igreja local que nos apoia aqui (IPÁgata) cantando ou ministrando a palavra. Tem sido experiências maravilhosas. Outra coisa que me faz vibrar de alegria é fazer as traduções para a Lisa. Trabalho prazeroso e bem desafiador. Tenho feitos as traduções na escola, na igreja, na comunidade, com as crianças, enfim, em todo lugar. Isso é divertido!!! 1 ano apenas aprendendo inglês e Deus fazendo os milagres me ajudando nas traduções. E sobre o português dela? Sim, o português dela está melhorando, então, quando vocês a encontrarem ficaram surpresos. Falem bastante português com ela...hahahahahha

Obrigada por todo apoio. Espero vê-los em breve. No dia 31 de dezembro estarei na Segunda Igreja Batista em João Monlevade às 9h da manhã para compartilhar minhas aventuras aqui no Amazonas. Espero que você possa estar lá comigo para ouvir as mais divertidas e edificantes histórias ocorridas na minha vida nos últimos meses. Rsrsrsr

Espero por vocês. Grande abraço,

Nosso tempo em Minas: Planejamento inicial
18-12 a 28: Belo Horizonte
31-12-17: Segunda Igreja Batista em João Monlevade (9:00 horas)
5-01-18 a 10-01-18: Belo Horizonte
7-01-18: Primeira Igreja Batista em Raposos (19:30 horas)
11, 13 e 14-01-18: Segunda Igreja Batista em João Monlevade (19:30 horas)
21-01-18: Segunda Igreja Batista em João Monlevade (9:00 e 19:30 horas)
24 a 28-01-18: Belo Horizonte

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