Saturday, August 1, 2020

July 2020

Hello friends,

Well, July is over, and August is starting.  I still do not have a definitive word about my plans to come home for a visit.  I am still waiting on word from both the US and Brazil authorities.  So in the meantime, we continue to work.

Nayara and I are working on plans for when we continue the night classes.  At this point, we will continue with the Tuesday night class and the Friday night class.  These two classes are smaller so we will have plenty of space to be together.  The Wednesday class is a different story with 35 students.  Before we had to stop, we were on our 5th week, so we were just getting started.  Currently, what we are leaning towards is not restarting the class this year.  Then in January 2021, they can sign up again but this time we will only be able to receive 15 students. We will try to open another night so we will have 2 beginning classes but no larger than 15 students.  We also will not be able to continue the class at the Public School.  This is a little sad to me but necessary.  Hopefully, those students who are serious about learning will take advantage of the night class opportunities on Wednesday and Thursday.

I am continuing to work with students in our Tuesday night and Friday night groups online along with several alumni students.  I am pleased with their progress and I really look forward to the group dynamic that happens when we are together.  This online time has been a good one on one opportunity for them to practice.  They were a little nervous at first, but they adjusted well.

I am now starting to work on putting the curriculum together in written form.  This is both a huge challenge and a bit exciting as well.  This online experience has helped us look at different elements of the curriculum as well.  Romans 8:28 is so true, “ And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

I have started diving into a new program that helps writing e-books.  We are going to start giving out some encouraging type e-books for our students (1 per month).  These titles will be like …. Five things to remember when you are learning English…….How to use music to help you learning English, things like that.  We will be using these with our students and with promoting the Amazonas.Languages project as well as with Nayara/Paty and Ame Idiomas.  I am learning all about Instagram (I know I am a little behind), so we are using our time wisely.

The church has begun to meet but children and people over 60 are asked not to come.  Wow, that has felt weird.  But I appreciate their caution for my health.  The virus numbers have been going down with the last report being 15 active cases (3348 total) and 135 deaths.  We all must do our part to keep ourselves safe as well as protect our neighbors. 

This month, the focus has been on how Mighty God has BEEN and IS.  Two things have stood out to me in my devotional time. 

·       First, the bottom line is God is GOOD.  Don’t let anything or anyone move you.  Yes, life is challenging – but He is still GOOD.  Yes, we all have faced some discouragement and disappointment through people and/or circumstances – but He is still GOOD.  Yes, some aspects of the future are not clear and maybe a little scary – but He is still GOOD, and He can be trusted!! 

·       Second thought, we need to view God through the lens of FAITH and CONFIDENCE.  (this is from Christine Cain).  This statement grabbed my attention all month.  I have had to evaluate my own heart, mind, and actions.  I choose what lens I view God through.  I like the words here, FAITH and CONFIDENCE.  These are strong words.  These are the lens that I must view God.  I need to fuel my faith and confidence through the WORD of God and through being IN the Presence of God. 

·       I was reminded of a statement my friend Dee McKinney made many years ago.  When difficult circumstances arose, she would often say in the middle of it all “That is a circumstance that is subject to change!”  Think about that statement this month.

Please know that I am praying for you my friends, your families, your city, and for our country these days.  In August, the focus is on the fact that GOD HEARS.  That is a timely focus!

Thank you for your love and support.  I will keep you updated about any travel plans.

Bless you,


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