Monday, February 8, 2021

February 2021

 Hello my friends,

I pray that you are well.  I have been watching the cold weather march across the USA.  Be safe and stay warm!

Let me catch you up on what has been going on with us.  We have not yet returned to the Amazon.  I am not sure that you have heard but the COVID-19 has mutated into what they are calling the Amazon Strain or the Brazil Strain.  It is very contagious and tends to hit the younger age group.  Initially at the first of January when we began hearing about this on the news and from our friends in the Amazon, we began to think about extending our stay.  Then our Pastor, Camilo, strongly suggested that we stay here while the conditions in the Amazon were so critical.  The hospital in Manaus (2 hours away from Manacapuru) was overwhelmed with patients and then the oxygen supplies ran out and people were dying all over the place.  So tragic!  So, we are staying put for now. 

We are staying in Nayara’s Pastor’s (from her home church in João Monlevade, 2 hours east of Belo Horizonte) apartment they have in Belo Horizonte.  This has been perfect!  They use this apartment when they have to come to BH for church and personal business.  It is a small 2-bedroom apartment in a gated complex.  We have been traveling back and forth to João Monlevade where we stay with Ingrid (Pastor’s daughter) and Joe (Nayara’s best friends).  We have loved seeing her church family and I have preached once and Nayara has preached twice already along with teaching a youth Bible study.  Great fun!

We have also used this time to have various medical check-ups.  This has involved a wide range of tests, scans, and such.  This is the first time we have taken the time (we are beginning our 5th year) or had the time to do this.  I joked with a friend that we could redecorate our office with all the MRI scans we have received.  I am grateful that the Lord that He has directed us to the perfect doctors for us.  God is good!

 I do have some work ahead to get into better shape and that will help me manage those areas that have been challenging to me (my back, hips, and knees).  I am scheduled to have an injection in both knees on Feb 18 which is a "praise God" and "oh my"!  I know it will help but not really looking forward to it.  My blood work looks good and I only have minor tweaks to my medication.  I am looking for a dentist for a possible root canal etc. yuck! but necessary.  We also have both gone to the eye doctor and next week we will pick up new glasses!

We are working through some questions that Nayara is having right now.  She is seeing a cardiologist and we are trusting God for wisdom.  We know that we both have major work in losing weight which will help both of us with our issues.  Change, especially with trying to lose weight, is always a challenge.  But we both realize that change must occur, and this is the time. There have been two words that have had in my heart, TRANSFORMATION and RESTORATION.  We both want to be transformed in our health and restored!  I would ask if you would join us in prayer that we would have wisdom and success in this process.  We both sense God’s leading and we both want to be obedient to what He is saying.  We both want to be healthy and strong to fulfill God’s purposes and plans through our lives.  Thank you for praying for us!

The work with the English project is having to be flexible.  Because of the health crisis there in the Amazon, we could not meet with our classes in person even if we were there.  So, we are in contact with our students in our existing class to move towards online learning again.  The 2 new classes will have to wait for now as well as we are not going to restart the classes at Jose Mota (public school).  We both have felt that chapter at Jose Mota is completed.  Nayara is continuing her online classes with AME.  I am also continuing to work here on the curriculum and continually modifying the material for better online use.  We are busy!

We are also in contact with our church in Manacapuru.  We are participating in an online Family Group.  In March/April we will be hosting one as well.  We have talked with friends and students online throughout this time.

On the personal side, besides the health stuff, we are enjoying the time with friends in BH and the church family here in João Monlevade, and Nayara’s family in BH.  We are also trying to carve out time to just rest and do some personal projects.  I am trying to teach myself about Urban Sketching and it has been a lot of fun.  My mother was a fabulous artist, and she would have loved what I am trying to do!  Nayara is spending as much time as possible with her niece, nephew, and newest niece in BH and here in João Monlevade she is loving the time with Ingrid, Joe, and their new addition Sara as well as Ingrid’s sister, husband and their new addition, Ana Liza, and with Ingrid’s parents (pastor of the church).  They have taken care of us so well and they have freely given us one of their cars to use in BH, so we don’t have to use UBER.  We have been deeply touched at their love and care for us!

The plan for our return to Manacapuru is still a little in doubt.  Right now, we are looking at the end of the month.  We are staying prayerful about it and talking with Pastor Camilo monitoring the conditions in the Amazon.  I think I have mentioned this before, but one thing that is exceedingly difficult is that Manaus has the only trauma center in the state of Amazonas. (2 hours from Manacapuru) We have a clinic type “hospital” in Manacapuru but neither of us want to visit there if we get sick!  So, we are listening to the Lord and walking in wisdom.

This last week, I came across and challenging quote.  I have been doing a lot of thinking about it so I will pass it on to you.  I can’t remember who wrote it, sorry.  Here it is … “I would rather live a life of discomfort that leads to God doing amazing things through me, than a life of complacency that leaves me feeling empty.”  Wow, what a statement!  This past year and recent days have been challenging for all of us.  I know for us, we are making it a major priority to spend time with the Lord, His Word and in Prayer.  In the midst of all the things we encounter, God wants to use us.  To use us as beacons of love and light to every person that we meet.  For us recently, that included a lot of people in the hospitals and doctor’s offices.  For you, it may look different.  But this truth is the same for you and for me, He wants to use us to extend His love and to share with people.

Please know that I am praying for you.  I am so grateful for your continued love and support.  Through you, I have been able to pay for all the medical things I have had to encounter.  Through you, we have had money for gas, food, electricity for the apartment and to bless our hosts here in JM.  Thank you. 

I will keep you updated!

Serving Him together!


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