Saturday, March 6, 2021

March 2021

 Hello my friends,

Greetings from central Brazil.  Yep, we are still here either in Belo Horizonte (BH) or João Monlevade (JM) in the southern part of Brazil.  Let me update you on what is going on with us.

Nayara and I have been going through medical check-ups, this has been long overdue. God has been faithful in directing us each step of the way.  Praise God my issues do not require anything like surgery.  But I do need to lose weight (no surprise there).  Nayara also received that same counsel.  Nayara has a nutritionist that is helping her with a plan.  I know what I can do, now it’s a matter of doing it.  We are on some medication to help some of the low levels that we had on our blood work (like Vitamin D etc.).  My years of playing sports and being heavy have taken a toll on my knees but I still have some cartilage, thank the Lord.  I have had injections in both knees and hips, which should help.  We both need to go to Physical Therapy to help strengthen some areas.

One thing that these tests did reveal a problem for Nayara.  Her blood pressure is way too high.  She was referred to a cardiologist in João Monlevade.  Nayara’s father died when she was around a year old when he was 39 with a heart attack.  His pressure was high as well.  So, she has gone through the heart monitor/BP check for 24 hours.  Praise God there appears no valve issues which is good.  He did prescribe some heart medicine, so she is in the process of getting used to these.  She is now being watched to see how she responds to these medicines.

With that being said, she has been encouraged by her doctors that now would not be a good time to return to the Amazon.  She needs some time on these medicines as well as continuing with some other consultations to help her get on the right routine with food, exercise. (and me too).  So as a result, we have decided that it would be best to remain here (BH/JM) until at least June.  This will not be a problem with our classes since they are online anyway (due to the medical status in Manacapuru).  She can also continue with her students with AME as well.

We have a wonderful situation and support here with her Pastor’s Family/Church family here in João Monlevade.  As I have stated before we are staying here in João Monlevade with her best friend Ingrid, Joe, and baby Sara.  They have an upstairs for us and it's wonderfully comfortable.  When we go to Belo Horizonte, we stay at Pastor’s family apartment.  So, we have all bases covered.  The Pastor has given us one of their cars to use to travel to BH, and if necessary, we can always rent a car.

We are starting the English project next week, via online.  We are planning time in BH so that Nayara can be with her family and I can visit Dayse my friend.  This will usually be for a Thursday-Sunday depending on the calendar.  We are also having opportunities to preach and Nay to sing.  We are also looking to start a Cell group via Zoom with our church in Manacapuru!

We of course would want to be back in Manacapuru, but that is not the best place for us right now.  The ministry is continuing – praise God for technology.  Everyone is pretty comfortable now with Zoom these days.  The Amazon health crisis seems to be slowing down.  They have had a rough time since January.

Please pray for us that we will get in the best routine possible with our new situation.  Pray that Nayara will find the right solution and that her BP will go down and stay down.  Pray that we both would get on a pattern of eating that is healthy and possible for us to continue.  The challenge in Manacapuru is that believe it or not they have limited vegetables and fruit!  But we are not worried about that now, here the food is great, and the options are abundant.

Nayara and I are in peace.  We are excited about getting our classes started and moving!  Thank you for your prayers.  I and Nayara are so grateful for your support and love.  I am looking forward to great things in these days ahead!

Bless you!

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