Friday, March 25, 2016

Leaving Belo Horizonte tonight!

It is hard for me to believe how fast the time has flown by here in BH.  All of the girls have left for the weekend - holiday and youth conference.  This has given me a time to reflect and thank God for all that He has done on this trip, both in Manacapuru and here in BH.

precious ones in Manacapuru
The time in Manacapuru was great with lots of conversation about the direction of the work there through Agata Church and ARS.  It is exciting to see the Mission House constructed!  My heart is filled with joy as I think about the many people who contributed to all three of the projects.  Please allow me to say once again, thank you for each of you who have contributed.  I know that God has great things to do in and through these precious believers in Manacapuru.  I am also praying about my part in that plan.

My time in BH has been filled with laughter and learning!  I don't think I have laughed as much as I
Nayara, Pri, Sabrina
have these past 4 weeks than I have in years.  My roommates - no let me rephrase - my precious sisters in Christ, were simply awesome. They not only opened their apartment to me, but they opened their hearts.  They took care of me like family.  I will be honest, tears have been shed about leaving today.  But I know, this time with them has been a gift from God and I will cherish the memories forever.  I pray that one day our paths will cross again and we can once again enjoy and laugh together.  We are going to be doing some English lessons via Skype so that will be a great blessing to all of us!  These ladies are graduating in December, and I am excited to see where the Lord directs them in life and ministry.  I would ask that you pray for Priscilla, Sabrina and Nayara, they are women who love God and want Him known to everyone they meet.

Dr Raíssa and spouse Geraldo 
God used Nayara to get me in contact with a precious Doctor, Raíssa, who is a powerful believer in Jesus.  She was so attentive in her care of me.  I will be forever grateful for her incredible care, wisdom and guidance.  Nayara and I were invited over to their home last Sunday for lunch and time with her and her husband and family.  Once again, the hospitality of Brazilian believers was demonstrated.  She also got in my face about my weight!  She said "We need you healthy for the work of God!"  Well, what can you say in response to that except, yes you are right!  Thank you Father for guiding Nayara to Raíssa!

I am also grateful to the all the staff at the English School for welcoming me and allowing me to learn from them.  Rita, has been tremendous and I know she will be a wonderful resource in the future.  All of the teachers have been so helpful and I loved being with their students.  They were interested in the possible work in Manacapuru, but they also cared about ME and prayed for me during my sickness with dengue.  I knew then and I know now that if I need anything, all I have to do is contact them.

God has proven Himself truly to be my Father and has taken good care of me here.  I have been blessed beyond measure by His goodness extended through all of these people.  My life will not be the same!  My faith has been encouraged and strengthened during this month.

Now, I close this chapter, and further prepare for the next one.  I will arrive home tomorrow and then I will leave for Denmark on Tuesday.  I know that God has ordered this time so my heart is at peace. The specific things to pray about:

  • health - that my strength would be renewed and sustained
  • hearing heart - that I would clearly hear God's voice as I minister in the next 6 weeks
  • peace for my family - the world events can seem scary but I am trusting the Lord 
  • anointing - His presence and power during the times of ministry, teaching, and preaching
I will be staying with a dear sister in the Lord, who is from Brazil, who is married to a wonderful man and they have two children.  I look forward to continuing my Portuguese training!  Not sure how much Danish I will pick up but I will try!

Thank you for your continued support in prayer and through your financial gifts.  This time and opportunity would not be possible without you.  Hey, you have been in Brazil over a month and now you are going to Denmark for six weeks!  Bless you!

Until next time in Denmark!

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